Niwot Trot 5K
Sunday, October 2, 2022
Whistle Stop Park in Niwot, CO
Register today, as high quality t-shirts are on a first come first serve basis. Also, race miles qualify for 100 Mile Club!
Please join family, friends, staff and the Niwot community for one of the most high-energy events of the school year. Sunday, October 2nd will be the 15th annual running of the 5km (3.1 mile) run/walk event, and you don’t want to miss the train!
The Niwot Trot will be professionally timed, on a course that winds through downtown Niwot from Whistle Stop Park (adjacent to the Niwot Children’s Park). This fast and extremely flat out and back course is perfect for cheering on your fellow participants. After running, walking, trotting or strolling, revel in your accomplishment at Whistle Stop Park for a celebration complete with music, free Coldstone ice cream and formal awards ceremony. This isn’t any awards ceremony, this is where we celebrate the incredible performances of our youth! |
Niwot Trot 5K 2022
Schedule of Events
7:45-8:45am Race day registration open and bib/t-shirt pickup
9:00am 5k event begins! (1st and Murray)
10:20am Awards Ceremony at the Whistle Stop Park bandstand
Awards Categories
Finisher medals for ALL youth finishers (k-8). We know that a 5k is quite an accomplishment for most kids! Plus, thanks to our incredible sponsors, we will have awards for :
Top 3 overall Girls (grades k-5 combined)
Top 3 overall Boys (grades k-5 combined)
Top Girl in each grade (k, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-8)*
Top Boy in each grade (k, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-8)*
Overall Male and Female non-student
*Top overall winners excluded from winning grade level awards
Registration Details
$25 per participant includes a t-shirt (men’s and women specific sizes and slim cuts,
please order accordingly). T-shirt quantities are limited so register early!
Click here to register online. Online registration is open until noon Friday Sept 30th.
Race day registration is $30 per participant.
Not interesting in testing yourself against the course? No worries. There are many volunteer roles necessary to make this race successful. Especially if your child wants to race but you don’t, volunteer! Please shoot a quick email to [email protected] to volunteer and we will contact you.
Examples of volunteer positions:
Race day registration table
Water station worker
Course marshal
Pre-race setup (able to race too!)
Timing / finish chute worker
Post-race refreshment table
Parking will be extremely limited, so we encourage you to walk, bike or carpool to the start/finish. No cars may park along Murray between 1st and 2nd, or along 1st Ave. Plan ahead to ensure you’re not late for the fun.
Professional results will be posted immediately after the event. Additionally, they will be available via the website of the timing company (Race Rite) by Monday morning after the race.
- 2022 results
- 2019 results
- 2018 results
- 2017 results
- 2016 results
The course begins at Whistle Stop Park and proceeds northeast on Murray St. Racers turn East onto 5th, which turns into Neva Rd. Proceed along Neva Rd and then turn North onto Dry Creek Rd. Follow Dry Creek until it intersects with N. 83rd St. Instead of running south along N. 83rd St, racers will be directed to head south briefly along the LoBo Path and cross
83rd at the marked crosswalk to head East on Niwot Meadow Farm Rd. Racers will stay on Niwot Meadow Rd until it dead ends at the cul de sac. This is the turn around. Racers will retrace their route to the finish. Boulder County Sheriffs officer will be at 2nd and Murray, and the 83rd Street crossing intersections to control traffic and for runner safety.
This event couldn’t be as successful without the generous support of our sponsors. If interested in sponsoring, there are many levels of sponsorship available to fit any budget. Please contact [email protected] or Jessica Walker with questions. The deadline for sponsorship is September 10th, so don’t delay.
For additional details or questions please email the Niwot Trot Race Director Gretchen Johnson at [email protected].