The Cougar Campaign is our top fundraising priority – and the fundraiser we ask EVERY family to support. As we continue to support the mission of Differentiation at Niwot Elementary, we rely on your generous donations to pay for six paraprofessionals (paras) throughout our school. The PTAC raises money through several events throughout the year to support many, many programs such as field trips, science assemblies, teacher grants, technology, literacy support and community events in addition to our paras!
Niwot Elementary has a reputation for high academic performance, extensive parent involvement and strong community participation, and for those reasons, most families chose our school either through open enrollment or a home purchase within the school’s neighborhood boundaries. The way that NES has achieved this reputation is through the commitment and investment of our students’ families over the years.
Therefore, during the first trimester of school, the Niwot Elementary PTAC asks you to invest in NES’ educational excellence by making a donation to support ALL of our students. With the Cougar Campaign, we ensure that we meet our commitment to our school district to cover the salaries of instructional paraprofessionals at every grade level. This is the number one way that WE, as parents, can do something to directly offset the impact of growing class sizes! Paraprofessionals work closely with the teachers to provide curricular support by assisting in whole groups, working with students in small groups, and providing additional instruction in specific curricular areas.
Please donate:
$250 per family
An amount of your choice
You can donate online or send your donation to school (to your child’s teacher, in snail mail, or to the front office) anytime during the trimester. Please make checks payable to "NES PTAC", and please include the the donation form.
If you can provide a “scholarship” for another Niwot family, please let us know. If you have more than one child at NES, please consider making a larger donation in the amount of $300.
We want to emphasize that all donations are appreciated and confidential. Every family at NES is encouraged to give what they can, no matter the amount. We truly are grateful for any amount given. Our goal is to reach 100% participation, as 100% of our students are positively impacted by the instruction of paraprofessionals in the classrooms. Whether your child is in kindergarten, 5th grade, or somewhere in between, they will directly benefit from the funds raised during the Cougar Campaign!
With your help, we will continue to provide an exceptional educational experience for every NES student now and into the future.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have questions, click here for a Cougar Campaign FAQ.
Corporate Matching
Many employers offer a matching gift program for employees who donate to non-profit organizations. NES PTAC is an eligible 501(c)(3) organization! Please be sure to ask your employer about their participation.
Some of the companies that have provided NES PTAC with matching donations in the past are:
• Microsoft • Amgen • Oracle • Xilinx
• Qualcomm • Wells Fargo • Kaiser Permanente • Chevron
• Cisco • Raytheon • Medtronic
The Cougar Campaign Committee and PTAC Board welcome your questions and feedback. Please feel free to contact VP of Fundraising, Nikki Lee or any member of our PTAC Board.